Legislative and Political Consulting. Organizational Development and Knowledge Management. Collective Bargaining. Leadership Coaching.
About Our Services: Legislative Advocacy
Public Policy Advisement
Do you have a policy idea that you would like to be fleshed out? Do you want to know possible pathways forward for your policy ideas? Would you like to explore where your policy idea fits in the broader policy space? Or, do you simply have a problem that needs a solution and you do not yet have a policy idea for solving that problem? Contact us!
Relationship Building
Do you have a presence in the California State Capitol building and you would like to enhance that presence? Do you have a local political presence and you would like to expand your reach to Sacramento? Or perhaps you have no presence yet, but you would like to explore having a stronger presence either locally or statewide? Contact us!
On the Ground Advocacy
Do you need assistance in moving your bill through the legislative process? Do you find yourself at capacity and need extra help? Is yours an “all volunteer army” or do you already have a paid advocate that may need some back up? We do budget! We do policy committees! We do fiscal committees! We do floor votes! We play well with others! Contact us!
About Our Services: Political Operations
Campaign Assistance
We need people who stand up for the people. If we can help you get elected, contact us!
Ground Game
Increasing voter engagement and participation is what we need to win. Understanding that the most effective way to get votes is one on one communications, we can help you talk to more voters. Contact us!
Endorsement Processes
How do you communicate your priorities to folks running for public office? How do you gauge which candidate meets your core issues? What methods do you employ for candidate education? If you need a team to help you think through these questions, contact us!
About Our Services: Collective Bargaining
Research and Preparation
Where are you starting and where are you going? We provide an assessment of your contract and comparable institutions in the current context so your team can assess what a “win” looks like for them. Market surveys for particular skill sets are available, as well as suggestions for furthering bargaining unit interests through the contract holistically. Best combined with other services such as training and leadership development.
Contract Campaigns
It is true that a great contract is rarely won at the table alone. We provide organizing strategy so that members can become mobilized and organized to support their bargaining team. From small, intimate meetings with decision makers, to large rallies and events, we can deliver the type of advocacy you need so that negotiations aren’t simply representatives sequestered in a room alone. Best combined with other services.
At the Bargaining Table
We tailor our presence at the table to your direct needs. Whether you need a Chief Spokesperson to take charge from the start, or a supportive element to empower members to take the helm, we are here to work at any level of collective bargaining. Each organization has their own internal culture as it pertains to the table - do you allow or encourage observers? Who is invited to caucus? We take our cues from you! Contact us!
About Our Services: Organizational Development
Training Teams
Our trainings are progressive side adult education for lobbying, get out the vote, organizing, collective bargaining, diversity, equity, inclusion, and organizational development and knowledge management. If any of these interest you, or if you need a training custom designed just for you, contact us!
Mentoring Future Leaders
Volunteer leaders, staff leaders, member leaders, leaders new to your boards or commissions - all budding leaders need someone who can take them by the hand and go through their learning process with them step by step. This service is best combined with training services for optimal results. Contact us!
Leadership Coaching for Principals
You are an Executive Director. You are a President of an Organization. You are a Department Manager. You are a Team Lead. You have gotten yourself where you are, and for good reason. But you are smart enough to know that you can get to the next level with Leadership Coaching. We can tailor a coaching system just for you. Contact us!
Knowledge Management: Internal Communications
Make sure your right hand knows what the left hand is doing. Miscommunication is harmful to your mission and can be avoided! Contact us!
Knowledge Sharing: Team Culture and Collaboration
Make sure the call isn’t coming from inside the house…. your own worst enemy / challenge shouldn’t be inside the organization!
Knowledge Management: External SWOT Analysis
The circular firing squad is not productive, efficient or effective. Work on organizational effectiveness with our strategies!